Appdata plex media server updates
Appdata plex media server updates

unraid_disk_status, the state of which should be “Ok” if all the disks are “DISK_OK”, otherwise the state should be whatever the This Unraid plugin is a wrapper for reading the files used by Unraid / emhttpd for displaying various statistics, the files are read from /var/local/emhttp/*. Quick, at a glance system stats Title says it all. Navigate to the Docker tab in your Unraid Web UI, click on the icon for your Plex container, and click Edit. (If you dont want to use this function you have to remove the "do-while".Unraid stats plugin.

appdata plex media server updates

Why do I need a X-Plex-Tolken? - It is not required, but if you enter your tolken the script can check if a user is still streaming and the script will wait with the install until the stream is closed. If the file on your server is older it will download the newest one, validates the checksum and Installs it. What it does: It checks for the newest version of Plex online, compairs it with the latest update-installer your server has. Start-Process -FilePath $dl_FilePath -ArgumentList "/install","/quiet" -Wait $data = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Status_url $dl_FileHash = (Get-FileHash -Algorithm SHA1 $dl_FilePath).Hash (New-Object ).DownloadFile($dl_url, $dl_FilePath) $dl_FilePath = "$Latest_Pkg_Path\PlexMediaServer-$Latest_Version-x86.exe" New-Item -Path $Latest_Pkg_Path -ItemType Directory | Out-Null $Latest_Pkg_Path = "$PMSUpdate_Path\$Latest_Version\packages" $Server_Version = (Get-ChildItem -Path $PMSUpdate_Path | sort LastWriteTime | select -last 1).Name

appdata plex media server updates

$PMSUpdate_Path = "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Plex Media Server\Updates" $Status_url = " $PlexServerPath = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Plex\Plex Media Server\Plex Media Server.exe" $XPlexToken = "YOUR_PLEX_TOKEN" #example: _aBcDEf_12g3hijkL4Mn I hope I can save someone the trouble of writing there own I was searching all over the web but couldn't find any simple update scripts for Plex.

Appdata plex media server updates