Openoffice excel how to make functions not round
Openoffice excel how to make functions not round

openoffice excel how to make functions not round openoffice excel how to make functions not round

For instance, if the numbers which are printed and shown on a worksheet are formatted with 2 decimal places, then all of the formulas in your worksheet should only perform calculations up to 2 decimal places. Each of these functions is a key tool in your Excel toolbox as they all help to ensure that the values used in your worksheet formulas are the same values displayed to your readers and reviewers. The ROUNDUP function and its buddy ROUNDDOWN are specialized variations of the ROUND function. However, ROUNDUP is also one of several useful Excel ROUND functions that can help you build more accurate formulas and calculations. Head ‘Em Up, Move ‘Em Out! What do you think of when you hear the term Roundup? If you’ve seen any Western movies or TV programs, live in the Western USA like I do, or spend time working in your yard, then you might be thinking of cattle herding or a weed killer and not of an Excel function.

Openoffice excel how to make functions not round